TrungThanh Foods joined the 70th Anniversary of "REPUBLIC Socialist Republic of Vietnam" ESTABLISHMENT (2nd Sep 1945 - 2nd Sep 2015)
“Hôm nay sáng mồng 2 tháng 9
Thủ đô hoa vàng nắng Ba Đình
Muôn triệu tim chờ, chim cũng nín
Bỗng vang lên tiếng nói ân tình…”
(Sáng mồng 2 tháng 9) - Tố Hữu
Declaration of Independence on 2nd Sep 1945 had opened a new era for Vietnam. From there, Vietnam citizens had started a new life of exiting and proud. Every Vietnam citizen had embarked on the struggle full of hardships and sacrifices, unstinting possessions and even their blood in national resistance campaign. The last 70 years are a whole attempted process which nothing can compare of country in order to protect and build up Vietnam Nation today. Nowadays, our country had been more stable, Vietnam had become a country with reputation over the world. But within developing and modernizing society, the global integrating is strongly occurring, mixture with lots of complicated relationship like partnership, enemy and hardship competition. This has created both chances and threats to any country, especially to small country in protecting the benefit, independence, nation, community and whole land of country. In that case, our country need to improve strengths for every factors; also must highly alert, maintain the spirit to protect firmly all those factor within any circumstance. This is our sacred and sublime mission toward what the previous generation had done, like HO CHI MINH stated: "The Hung Kings had built the nation, me and you must maintain the country together".
70th Anniversary of "REPUBLIC Socialist Republic of Vietnam" ESTABLISHMENT 2nd Sep; every single Vietnam citizens who are located at any place, are all moved and having emotion when remember back the Full heroic spirit, seething and tingle of revolution autumn of that year, a new fall to start new life. In the atmosphere of the country is eager to emulate towards the National Day 2nd Sep, TrungThanh's officers and employees also feel the excitement proud. TrungThanh is willing to follow his father's tradition, striving to study and practice under the moral example of Ho Chi Minh, labor striven to create, contribute and enrich the country, being worthy to the name TrungThanh that State honorable had awarded for the 20 years of formation and development of the past years.
In the series of activities to celebrate the 70 year anniversary of the National Day 2/9, Chairman - General Director MR PHI NGOC CHUNG together with leadership groups of TRUNGTHANH FOODS are honored stated as one of 400 outstanding entrepreneurs represent hundreds thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses across the country take part in the rally marched in major events in the country.
Have a chance to share in rehearsal was held on 29th Aug 2015, Chairman - General Director of Phi Ngoc Chung has stated: "Our generation has also gone through a period of bombs, the most difficult war, also served as the soldier in the dead living with fire bombs rain bullets on the battlefield. Today after return and live in peace independence, we still desire to contribute his perfection in the construction and development of the country. I love the sense of the boat which is symbol of Vietnamese entrepreneurs - the soldier in peacetime and the image of Saint Giong rode the iron horse and flew toward the sky - That is the desire for independence and autonomy of the people of Vietnam in general and our business class in particular. We hope that with our strength and intellect , together with the attention of the Party, State and people's help, we will contribute to the country of Vietnam become flying dragon as pervious generation's aspirations in Thanh Giong era ., as thoughtful notes of General Vo Nguyen Giap Vietnam for entrepreneurs: "The previous generation has washed away the humiliation of losing country, today's generation must wash away the shame poorness, fogy". This opinion expressed the common desire of all Vietnamese businessmen, the soldiers are daily contribute, enrich the country and deserved to receive the honor of the society."
Some pictures of the parade rehearsal in preparation for 2/9 day:
TrungThanh yellow jerseys shined at the last rehearsal day 29th Aug 2015
Chairman - General Director MR Phi Ngoc Chung stands on the BOAT MODEL - icon represents Vietnamese Businessmen team - peacetime soldier
Chairman - General Director MR Phi Ngoc Chung ( right) and Sales Manager Region III stand next to the BOAT MODEL - symbol of Vietnam Entrepreneur team - peacetime soldier
Managers team of TRUNG THANH are honored taking part in the ceremony parade rally off anniversary 70 years National Day 2ndSep
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